Your Go-To Guide If You’re Feeling Exhausted Right Now
Do you feel like you're getting enough sleep but you're still feeling exhausted?
You’re losing motivation at work, snapping at your partner and finding it more difficult to focus on the things that make you feel good.
We are never at our best when we’re tired.
You know you need to rest – but the KEY here is which type of rest do you need?
Physical Rest
If you feel physically exhausted, your legs feel heavy, body feels stiff, tense neck and shoulders then incorporate some physical rest into your week and focus on rejuvenating your body and getting the energy flowing.
Things to try:
Book yourself a massage
Get on YouTube and find a yoga session to do
Play some binaural beats and meditate
Enjoy a cosy nap
Sleep a solid 8 hours
Practice deep breathing for a couple of minutes each day
Set a reminder on your phone every few hours to do a few stretches
Mental Rest
If you feel like you can’t focus, your mind is darting from one thing to another, you’re struggling to fall asleep because you’re overthinking or you keep forgetting things then you may be in a mental rest deficit. It’s exhausting when our minds have been in overdrive! Use this as your moment to reset.
Things to try:
Schedule 5 minute mindful moments throughout the day – sit, drink a cup of tea and just chill
Buy a colouring book and focus on just colouring for a few minutes a day
Have a notepad by your bed to note down any thoughts before you go to sleep
Use time blocking - 25 minutes focusing on an activity, 5 minutes distraction time to check your phone or whatever else has popped into your mind
Emotional Rest
Are you actually feeling exhausted right now because you’re holding onto so many emotions which you don’t feel able to share? You say you feel fine when you’re actually really struggling because you don’t want to bring someone else down. This is a really heavy burden and after a while it becomes so tiring to hold – it’s time to release those emotions.
Things to try:
Journal your thoughts, feelings, emotions, worries, fears – let it all out!
Set aside "worry time" at some point of the day to address any worries and then let them go at other times
Speak to a coach or therapist
Allow yourself to be more open about how you truly feel with those you trust
Social Rest
Interacting with other people can drain your energy even if you feel like you’re the most extroverted extrovert. If you feel like you keep thinking I just need a moment for me then it’s time to get some social rest.
Things to try:
Set boundaries for your time and energy (and actually share them and follow through with them)
Have some me time (I love talking to people but also LOVE a day where I barely say a word to anyone – especially if it’s at a spa!)
Spend time with people you feel so comfortable with to be yourself (you know the people who you can happily sit in silence with and it’s not weird or uncomfortable at all)
Spiritual Rest
If you have this lingering feeling of what’s the point or you don’t feel like your life or work has any meaning, then you might be in need of spiritual rest. This is all about feeling that sense of belonging and like you are contributing to something.
Things to try:
Explore what your purpose in life might be
Volunteer for a cause you’re passionate about
Get involved in your local community
Spend time in nature
Explore your spirituality, whatever that might be for you
Sensory Rest
Whether or not you are aware of it you are taking in so much at every single moment – whether it’s notifications going off on your phone, work emails pinging, people chatting, what’s happening outside your window, an alarm going off. It’s a lot! If you’re feeling irritated, agitated, angry or frustrated, especially if it’s heightened at the end of the day, you may be experiencing sensory overload.
Things to try:
Turn off app notifications
Set your phone/computer to do not disturb
Reduce the time you spend on your phone
Try noise-cancelling headphones
Take a hot bath
Close your eyes and just lie down for 5 minutes (I’m a huge fan of these eye masks from Spacemasks)
Have an evening without watching TV
Creative Rest
If you are really struggling to be creative, coming up with ideas and problem solving then it’s high likely you’re in need of some creative rest. Allow yourself a break from constantly pushing yourself to be creative and instead get them flowing to you easily by feeling inspired again.
Things to try:
Take breaks between creative tasks and go for a short walk or just get away from your desk for a few minutes
Try a new hobby or activity with zero pressure to be good, just do it for fun to shift your creative focus.
Explore new environments
Visit creative places that inspire you
Use this as your go-to guide next time you feel exhausted. See which type of rest you need and actually action 1 or 2 things on the list. Think about how you can bring back energy to your mind and body so you’re feeling your best.
When you feel your best, every other area of your life is positively impacted. You can handle challenges better, you speak to yourself more kindly and you feel more capable.
You’ve got this!
Elyssa x