Monthly Reflections: January
Welcome to my monthly reflections! This is where I get personal, sharing my monthly highs and lows of running my business as a solo founder, whilst navigating life as a girl in her 30s, who loves to not take life too seriously whilst also having existential thoughts most days. This is my 8 for January.
What I’m Loving
I’ve been absolutely loving doing a weekly Q&A on my Instagram! The questions coming trough have been so interesting to reflect on and I love to hear what you’re thinking about or finding challenging. If you’ve missed them then check out the Q&A 2025 highlight to see my responses from the last few weeks. If you want me to answer your question, then head to my Instagram on a Friday as I pop up a question box on my stories, then pick 5 at random to answer.
What I’m Grateful For
I am so grateful to all the amazing people who came to my Mindset Masterclass last night on Why You’re Still Stuck – And How to Finally Break Free. The energy on the Zoom was amazing!!!! Loved hearing everyone’s experiences, the beliefs holding them back, action they want to take and how they want to programme their mind. I always feel so energised after these sessions, so thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I’m definitely going to do more this year so keep an eye on my Instagram or sign up to my newsletter for updates.
What I’m Reading
I am currently reading Every Family Has A Story by Julia Samuel and what a book! Every chapter is a case study on a different family she has done therapy with, she provides a family tree and some context before jumping into the work they did together. It is such an incredibly insightful book, and it feels like such a privilege to have this insight, not only into Julia’s work but also the incredible lives of these families. Very worth a read!
My Upcoming Goals
Personal: Start dance classes! I shared this at a workshop recently and I am so excited. It definitely feels a bit out of my comfort zone but I’ve been wanting to do it for so long!
Business: Pitch my new corporate offering to 5 companies (if you think you’re company might be interested in working with me please get in touch).
A Challenge I’ve Faced
I’ve had some difficult things going on in my personal life recently and having to navigate those alongside work can be a challenge. It really has reminded me what is important in life and how grateful I am for having the freedom and flexibility to say this work can wait while I prioritise other things for a while. I often find in times like this, it’s helpful to zoom out and look at the bigger picture, prioritise your time and think about what actually matters.
Monthly Win
Two huge wins and such pinch me moments, so I want to share both.
Firstly, I was featured in Forbes!! (Officially at the very end of December but it was published after I shared my December reflections) What a surreal moment to see my name in such an incredible publication. You can read the piece here where I talk how to set resolutions that you actually achieve. I’ve shared 6 actionable tips for you which I’m excited to hear if you try. Let me know what you think!
Secondly, the podcast episode I recorded for Enterprise Nation’s The Small Business Sessions Podcast is out! It was so exciting to be asked, and I loved chatting to Dan, the host. You can watch or listen to the podcast here. I would love to know what you think!
Client Breakthrough
I was speaking to one of my clients this week about the shifts she has made since the beginning of working together and she said, “Elyssa I knew this stuff but now I REALLY know it, do you know what I mean?” I knew exactly what she meant because the thing is awareness is great but integrated awareness is what we’re striving for and that is what she’s reached! This is where you’re not just aware of what you want to do differently in life but you’re actually doing it, without even having to consciously think about it.
She said she’s gone from…
Never allowing herself to rest >>> to giving herself all the rest she needs without interrogating herself if she’s tired.
Overwhelmed and stressed >>> to busy but focused and calm
Filled with anxiety >>> to feeling excited and confident running her business
Being a perfectionist due to fear and panic >>> to checking things calmy and with clarity because it feels good
She has literally had a complete identity shift and it’s been so incredible to watch and be part of her journey!
Favourite Meal
I went to Josephine, and I would highly recommend! I felt like I had been transported to Paris, it’s such a nice vibe in there. Highly recommend the dauphinois and the roast brill. I would skip the French curd cheese but to be honest who is ordering that! It wasn’t me but someone I went with and we were not a fan.
Have a lovely month and I’ll see you in 2025 for my 8 for February!
Elyssa x
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